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Parul Gupta
Stop Chasing Engagement, Start Delivering Results
The Indispensable Community by FeverBee’s Richard Millington :
A short read sharing insights from 100+ interviews!

Review:  The book tracks the rise and fall of a range of online communities, and sets out actionable frameworks that you can pick up and run with.

The book is about building things up rather than tearing them down. Practical ideas that can help you build brand value—and get buy-in in the boardroom. And while that is not an easy endeavour, it is easier to learn from others than to make all the mistakes yourself.

The author’s key argument is that “Indispensable communities—the kind both organizations and their members would struggle to live without—don’t just appear through serendipitous luck. They are cultivated through a deliberate set of choices, a big vision, and a huge amount of persistence.” 

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