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Parul Gupta
Community Building
Building a community doesn’t require building a platform or significant investment; it takes creativity.
And if you are still doubting the power of community just have a look at the meteoric rise of the Clubhouse app. The app launched in April 2020 at a time when the world was shutting down.

Talk about timing!!

Building a community doesn’t require building a platform or significant investment; it takes creativity.

Here's what I think worked in favour of Clubhouse: Drop-in audio cha‪t‬:

➤ A consistent, fun and inviting brand message
➤ They know their audience, and they work to address both the professional & personal needs of their members.
➤ Offering engaging content

I think consistency, member recognition and perceived value are definitely key to their success in building community.

How can we as community managers can learn from this?
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